Join the YWCA O‘ahu Mission Making Society

Help YWCA O‘ahu achieve its mission to eliminate racism and empower women by making a five-year pledge and becoming a member of our Mission Making Society.

Click on your desired pledge amount below.

About YWCA O‘ahu Mission Making Society

For more than 120 years, YWCA O‘ahu has been on the front lines advocating for safe and affordable housing for women, providing support to immigrant and economically disadvantaged women, and promoting justice, freedom and dignity for all. 

When you join our Mission Making Society with a multi-year gift, you unite with other caring women and men who believe that everyone deserves the chance to feel empowered and thrive! 

Your generosity enables YWCA O‘ahu to continue to create change, and build a better and brighter future for women and families in our community. 

If you are interested in learning how you can join the YWCA O‘ahu Mission Making Society contact our Director of Fund Development and Community Affairs, Denise Park, at (808) 695-2620 or email [email protected].

MMS Member Testimony: Paul Pancho

Paul Pancho, Mission Making Society Member

In her first primary five years at an elite Honolulu private school, my precocious and intellectually and emotionally sensitive daughter experienced continual bullying at the hands of her peers. Transferring in the 6th grade to another elite private school set her on the road to positivity.  

But, the metamorphosis was gradual. All this thanks in no small measure to amazingly proactive mentors: academically especially in creative writing; artistically in singing, dance and acting; along with the emotional guidance from friends, family and our church. Most of these mentors were highly competent and strong women.  

Today, she is a well-accomplished and more confident woman at age 36 — with a Masters in Creative Writing and PhD in Philosophy — living in Scotland with her Welsh husband. Professionally, she thrives in promoting more ethnic diversity of women, particularly in the areas of literature and the arts. 

Five years ago, I was introduced to YWCA O‘ahu. I was immediately struck by how this organization’s mission so closely paralleled my daughter’s initiatives — that of eliminating racism and empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.  

So, in tribute to my daughter’s surmounting her childhood social and emotional adversities to become the awesome woman she is, I continue to volunteer my time, talent and treasure to the YWCA O‘ahu.  As such, I am proud to be a member of this awesome organization’s Mission Making Society. I want to encourage our community — women and men alike to join me in this support.  Mahalo! 

Mission Making Society Appreciation Dinner 2021

Sending a warm and heartfelt mahalo to everyone who attended our inaugural Mission Making Society appreciation dinner. The generosity, advocacy, and overall support of our Mission Making Society Members is making a difference for the women and girls we serve.

Mahalo Mission Making Society for your commitment to our mission to eliminate racism and empower women!