Report Abuse

Report an Incident of Abuse

The leadership and staff of Fernhurst and YWCA O‘ahu place a high priority on creating a safe and healthy environment in which to assist our residents with a successful transition from prison to community.  Our approach to the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) is to utilize the legislation to provide additional guidance for us to further foster safe programs built on a culture of respect for the rights of all individuals.

What is PREA?

Congress enacted the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA) to address and eliminate the problem of sexual abuse and sexual harassment of persons in the custody of U.S. correctional agencies.  The Act applies to all public and private institutions that house adult or juvenile offenders and to community-based correctional agencies.  In addition, the legislation provides federal funding for the PREA Resource Center to serve as a clearinghouse for information on research, programs, training, and technical assistance to address the issue.

Zero Tolerance Policy

YWCA O‘ahu maintains zero tolerance towards all forms of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment in all our facilities.  Our Zero Tolerance Policy is facilitated by policies and practices, staff training and client education to help prevent sexual abuse or sexual harassment from occurring and improve our response in event it does happen.

Staff Training and Client Education

As part of YWCA O‘ahu, Fernhurst’s commitment to eliminating sexual abuse and sexual harassment in our facilities, we place a priority on staff training and resident education to protect the safety and well-being for women under our care.  Our training and education programs for both staff and residents focus on our Zero Tolerance Policy, the right to be free from Sexual Harassment and Sexual Abuse, directions on how to report allegations of Sexual Abuse or Sexual Harassment, and their right to be free from retaliation for reporting incidents.

Reporting Allegations of Sexual Abuse/Sexual Harassment

Anyone may report an allegation or suspected incident of sexual abuse or sexual harassment; including residents, staff, or third parties. Allegations can also include those that may have occurred at another correctional or community confinement facility.  Reports can be made over the phone, in person, in writing, online and anonymously if desired.  There are options for filing a report of sexual abuse or sexual harassment at a YWCA O‘ahu facility.  These options include, but are not limited to:

  • Any person may notify the Program Manager at the address provided on our facility profiles.
  • Any person may file a report via the Sex Abuse Treatment Center Hotline at (808) 524-7273 or write to 55 Merchant Street, 22nd Floor, Honolulu HI 96813 .
  • Residents may notify the Program Manager or any other staff member in person, verbally or in writing; contact YWCA O‘ahu, PREA Coordinator directly (see contact information below); or call the PREA hotline numbers posted in their individual facility.
  • Staff may report allegations via their chain of command or anonymously through the Sex Abuse Treatment Center Hotline at (808) 524-7273 or online as shown above.

It is not required that any personal information be provided. However, the more information that can be provided regarding dates, times, locations, witnesses, and as much detail about the alleged incident as is known serves to assist staff and law enforcement in their efforts to successfully conduct the investigations.


All allegations of sexual abuse and harassment shall be promptly, thoroughly, and objectively investigated.  Upon substantiation of any allegation of sexual abuse and harassment, appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken against the employee, contractor, volunteer or individuals in YWCA O‘ahu including the Fernhurst facility.  Those actions may include possible criminal prosecution.  Allegations of sexual abuse will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency for investigation and potential prosecution.   

For questions about YWCA Oahu's Fernhurst PREA Program, contact:

PREA Coordinator
YWCA O‘ahu, Fernhurst
1566 Wilder Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96822

Sex Abuse Treatment Center Hotline (808) 524-7273